Advanced GeoModeling

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Advanced GeoModeling

AGM company's primary objective is to design software for subsurface modeling of rock properties in Oil and Gas fields.
We are using Petrel© software as modeling platform and Ocean© SDK as framework to enrich Petrel's functionality.
Many of important tools in Petrel designed by "try-and-see" concept. Meanwhile our vision is based on our experience to build a software more like WYSIWYG or CAD concept.

Ongoing Software Development

Currently we are working on four Petrel plug-ins:

"MisTie's Inspector",
"FaultZone Fractures Builder" and
"Fault Plane Modeling".

Estimated release date of these plug-ins is October 2021.

MisTie's Inspector

MisTie's Inspector is Petrel plug-in designed to help seismic interpreter to list misties of provided 3D cube horizon interpretation. Such listing helps user to identify areas for revisiting horizon interpretation, so we can reduce inline vs xline misties and by doing so improve quality of produced maps and structures.
Seismic Seismic Tie

Seismic Seismic Tie is Petrel plug-in designed to help seismic interpreter to list misties of provided multiple horizon interpretation 2D seismic lines. Based on such listing user can adjust one seismic line (follow) vs another line (lead) or smooth misties by adjusting both lines towards mean (average) horizon position at intersection point.

Fault-Zone Fractures Builder

Petrel plug-in "Fault-Zone Fractures Builder" is designed to generate Discrete Fracture Network with fracture pacthes geometrically associated with provided final Fault Model or with raw depth domain Faults Intepretation.

Fault Plane Modeling

Petrel plug-in "Fault Plane Modeling" is designed to help geomodeler with understainding fault pattern and bring raw fault interpretation to fault sticks of final fault modeling.


Our multi-disciplinary team of experts involved in Field Development Planning and Asset Evaluation Projects.

Write us for more details
© AGM Limited
2020 - 2022
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